


"The development of the epidemic coincides with the forecasts of specialists" - Tengiz Tsertsvadze

ინფექციური კლინიკის დირექტორი თენგიზ ცერცვაძე, 2020

According to the director of the Center for Infectious Diseases and AIDS Tengiz Tsertsvadze, the current situation with the pandemic in Georgia coincides with the forecasts of infectious disease specialists.

“The situation is very complicated, but it was predictable and experts made just such a forecast. This exactly matches what is happening now, where the number of cases is doubling and tripling, because the same thing has happened all over the world.

Compared to European countries and America, our situation is not so difficult. The same goes for mortality. True, "omicron" causes relatively less serious diseases, but not so much as to reduce mortality. "Omicron causes 2-3 times fewer deaths, but if we have 5 times more cases, then the overall mortality will increase," - Tengiz Tsertsvadze said.