


"If we do not save human life, then this is sadism" - Nikoloz Saakashvili

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“If we don't save a person's life, then it will be about the level of sadism,” said Nikoloz Saakashvili, father of former President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Mikheil Saakashvili's father calls on Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili to take the right step and save human life.
“The question is - to be or not to be. If we transport him for treatment, we will save him, if not, we will get a tragic result. The government must take action if it really wants to defuse the situation.
“I ask to the president, who always talks about confrontation, but she says one thing and does another. It won't lead to any confrontation. On the contrary, the salvation of human life is grace. If this does not happen, it will already be the level of sadism,” Nikoloz Saakashvili said.